Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Apply Mascara On Lower Lashes- Ask The Non-Blonde

Jennifer B. asks:

I remember you said in the past that you rarely use mascara on your lower lashes. I'm the same way, because it can look way too much. But sometimes I really want some extra definition there, without going overboard. Any advice?
Yes, I know what you mean. Some evening looks call for mascara on the lower lashes, but it can get too much very quickly and I don't want to end up looking like Marie Osmond. The trick is not to use the regular mascara wand. Instead, take a flat eyeliner brush (the one in the picture is Trish McEvoy #11, but I use one from Sephora's Professional Series). Touch it to the mascara wand (use a light, non-goopy mascara, not a lengthening one) and pick up some color. Now paint your lashes in a downward motion right where you need the extra definition. It's an easy and klutz-proof technique.

Photo of Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis looking beyond gorgeous at the American Ballet Theater 2009 Fall Gala last week from The Superficial.

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