Monday, December 6, 2010

Tauer Perfumes- Eau d'Epices

The first thing I did upon reading Andy Tauer's description of Eau d'Epices as "an Indian basket of spices" was comb the note list thoroughly checking for cumin. Twice. Thankfully, no cumin was found, so I could wear the perfume around the husband (a spouse who hates cumin and works from home can make one's testing schedule a bit complicated).

Now that we established that Eau d'Epices is not Tauer's answer to Arabie and its back alleys of the Souk, let's talk about what it is (other than gorgeous). This is a classic Tauer in the sense of offering the familiar Tauerade accord in the dry-down: a balsamic cistus, ambergris and a dry woody thing in the background, but the potent potion is less assertive at first and gives a lot of breathing room both to the spicy opening and to the incredibly sensual floral heart. Eau d"epices is breathtakingly complex and requires a lot of attention the first few times you smell it. The fragrance takes you on an exotic journey and fills your mind with all kinds of Arabian Nights imagery (and not a Disney version, I promise). It's all there- the dancers, the rugs and the genies. From Aladdin's cave to sultry nights in opulent gardens and orchards around the Caliph's palace.

The thing is that once you make friends with this colorful vision, Eau d'Epice becomes warm easy to wear. Yes, one must love incense and spice, not to mention the Tauer accord, but if you do, this masterfully crafted and blended perfume  is a must-try for both men and women.

Eau d'Epices by Tauer Perfumes ($125, 50ml EDP) is available from Luckyscent and The sample for this review was sent for my consideration by the perfumer.

Art: Arabian Nights by Ione Citrine

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