Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kate & William, William & Kate

"It's my mother's enagagment ring, so of course it's very special to me, and Kate's now very special to me, so it was only right to put the two together. ...[It's] my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today and the excitement." --Prince William

"They've been practicing long enough."   --Prince Charles

Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged, so the skincare post I planned will have to wait while outnerd myself on the happy news. It doesn't matter that we've all seen too many royal marriages make no one but tabloid publishers happy or that we can't help but remember that engagement interview from 29 years ago* ("Whatever being in love means")- there's going to be a wedding. And a dress. And flowers. And a very beautiful and happy couple.

Congratulations, William and Kate.

Photos: BBC, CNN

*Charles and Diana's engagement interview:

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