Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Norma Kamali Talks To Chef Matteo

Designer Norma Kamali has a new project- A digital webisode series of conversations with artists and experts focusing on fitness, health, beauty and nutrition. The program debuts on Thursday, September 30th at 11:00 AM at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The reason I'm very excited about this is her first guest, Chef Matteo of 4 Course Vegan, who is not just a personal friend of mine, but also an amazing chef.

One doesn't need to be a vegan or even a vegetarian to enjoy Chef Matteo's cuisine. I've sat countless of times at his dinners and watched the faces of omnivores and carnivores who came in skeptical and left amazed after a truly extraordinary dining experience.It's wonderful to see him get the recognition he deserves. You can see a clip on Norma Kamali's Conversations website.

Photo of Norma Kamali by Todd Heisler, The New York Times.

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