Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's Talk About: Packing

Some people know how to travel in style. I'm not one of them. They pack the absolute essentials into chic little luggage and go their merry way looking like Audrey Hepburn, arriving at their destination half a world away as graceful and fresh-faced as they left. Me? I get stressed. I make lists. I panic. The husband retrieves our humongous suitcases from the basement. They are blue and marked with so many cat scratches there's no chance anyone else would mistake them for his at the baggage claim.

Then it's time to fill them up. Which I do, trying to fit too much of my earthly belongings in there for a three day trip or the entire content of my closets if going away for a couple of weeks. And the shoes. Oh, the shoes! How many pairs do I need? Should I take both the gold and the silver strappy sandals? And what goes with the raspberry colored Missoni dress? Did I pack that dress? Why did I pack this dress? I bet Audrey never packed the wrong dress.

Audrey has also never had to display her essentials in a plastic ziplock bag. Having your eye drops, La Mer and mouthwash ready for inspection in that baggy can never feel stylish. I keep these items at the absolute minimum, checking in everything I don't absolutely need for the flight. I also separate non-regulated makeup items like powders and pencils into a makeup bag (that matches my travel tote). It makes me feel a bit better not to pull them out of the ziplock when the time comes to put on my face before landing.

So, let's talk about it: Do you travel light? How many pairs of shoes do you pack for a week or two away? What's in your plastic baggy? When it comes to perfume, do you pack full bottles or decants and samples? If you have any great travel tips and secrets, please share them.

Photos: myvintagevogue.com

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