Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Plastic Surgery- When Is It Worth The Risk?

Solange Magnano, a model and former Miss Argentina died on Sunday after undergoing an elective plastic surgery. On her butt.

The CNN article didn't give too many details, but I'm assuming that a butt surgery means getting implants. Regular readers know I'm generally in favor of any procedure that makes one happier and more confident, so if one finds that her bum is the one thing standing between her and happiness, I would never judge. As a teenager I seriously thought my nose was the reason I didn't have a boyfriend, and vowed that once I hit 18 (my parents wouldn't allow me to get a nose job at 16) I was going under the knife. By the end of 1988 I was already dating and the schnoz was forgotten.

Hollywood women often start getting anti-aging work done in their 30s, which used to shock me, but we have gotten used to seeing a botoxed face on 33 year olds. Apparently, an immovable forehead is the new black. A while ago there was a segment on awfulplasticsurgery.com showing the high likelihood that the most stunning face in showbiz, Angelina Jolie's, might not have come so directly from John Voight's genetic material. How would have we reacted had something went awry there?

37 year old Solange Magnano lost her life during the quest for the perfect behind, a surgery I personally wouldn't have ever considered. But what kind of surgery is worth the risk? Perkier boobs? An eye lift?

What do you think?

Photo: CNN

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