Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Living Proof Wave Shaping, Curl Defining No Frizz Styling Treatment for Thick to Coarse Hair

I might be the only one in and out of the blogsphere who isn't singing the praise of Living Proof's Wave Shaping, Curl Defining No Frizz Styling Treatment for Thick to Coarse Hair (try saying it three times). On paper, it seemed like the perfect product for me: My hair is wavy-curly, it's thick and tends to frizz if not treated with moisturizing products.

The problem is this product isn't really moisturizing. I tried using a little, I tried using a lot, the end result was a coarse, crunchy hair with no significant frizz reduction. To be fair, I tested it during some of the most humid days in NYC, but I also used it in much nicer (and more hair-friendly) days. It was the same.

Since it was clear the No Frizz Styling Treatment was actually drying my hair, I tried using it over other products. There was some improvement, but still, the defined waves were crisp to the touch, and I could get better results with the hair creams alone, so why bother?

I've heard the No Frizz Styling Treatment is a lot more effective when used with heat- blow dryers or curling irons. But I don't use heat except on the rare occasions I'm straightening my hair (which I didn't bother in crazy August humidity), and since this is a wave and curl defining product, the whole thing is moot. I'm back to products from Sebastian, Jonathan and Carol's Daughter, that let me keep my rule of only one styling cream at any time.

Living Proof Wave Shaping, Curl Defining No Frizz Styling Treatment for Thick to Coarse Hair ($24, 4 oz) is available from Sephora, online and in store.

Photo of Jean Shrimpton from bygonefashion on livejournal.

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