Saturday, March 21, 2009


The Perfect scent by Chandler Burr. Yes, I'm a year late for the party. Still a fascinating read.

When Love Breaks Down by Prefab Sprout. A favorite for over twenty years.

Frequently worn outfit/item
Black Stiletto boots.

If it's a chypre, I'm going to wear it. Jut got a bottle of Bandit in parfum concentration. Love.

Any taupe eye shadow. I was considering putting everything else away, but then yesterday I felt like wearing navy blue and dug out a Chanel compact. So maybe I'm not ready just yet.

Fresh pasta. They opened a wonderful new Whole Foods a few blocks away from my house. It has absolutely everything, including fresh pasta they cut for you in any shape you request.

Water. I'm boring.

Guilty Pleasure
Chocolate. I don't eat any other sugary thing, but chocolate is my current downfall.

Bane of my existence
My laptop is dying a slow, painful death.

Growing my own tomatoes.

Manolo Blahnik studded sandals:

What are your current favorites, banes and wishes?

art: Purple Crocus by Beth Stafford
shoe fetish: Neiman Marcus

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