Monday, December 15, 2008

Reflection and Self-Reinvention

I turned 38 last month.

Thirty eight is not a milestone, except in the sense of marking 20 years from one's 18th birthday, so I didn't make a fuss over it.

Many years ago, I had a boyfriend who used to get seriously depressed and irrational every year around his birthday. It was more than a little ridiculous, since the birthdays in question were his 21st to 23rd (soon after the last one I had enough of the drama and left for good). My own approach has always been a bit different. I don't look back or drown myself in reflections about my questionable achievements and failures. I look ahead, taking note of all the new opportunities and experiences the coming year is about to offer me.

After a certain point in your twenties, most age restrictions are gone forever, except for your eligibility to be elected for office in the U.S. (30 for a Senator, 35 for President and VP). It's no longer about things I'm now allowed to do, but about taking up opportunities as they come, branching out and trying out new things, especially those out of my comfort zone.

That's what I've been doing in the last couple of months, and I'm ready to tell you about it. Don't get me wrong: There's nothing Earth shuttering. I didn't get a boob job (or even Botox. Yet) and haven't dyed my hair red. But there will be a report about some unusual (for me) footwear, a perfumery class, I did something with my hair and bought a bottle of Chanel perfume.

Stay tuned.

Image: The Mirror by Sir Frank Dicksee from

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