I've always had a love-hate relationship with those magnifying mirrors in hotel bathrooms. Do I really want to get that closely acquainted with my pores and under-eye area just when I'm off the plane? Not to mention the lighting in those bathrooms was not designed to flatter, and who knows what I'll see when looking that closely.
On the other hand, they do make some tasks remarkably easier, not to mention precise, and I'm weird enough to enjoy looking at mascara wands up close and see exactly what they do for my lashes.
My solution has always been trying to focus on the less scary areas of the face and ignore the rest. Or just skip that evil mirror altogether...
On my most recent trip I got brave and really looked. It was somewhat of an ego boost to realize that even up close I have a better skin than certain (younger than me) celebrities. I also found out that such a mirror is very helpful in assessing your success in makeup removal. I liked it so much that now I'm considering getting a magnifying mirror for my bathroom at home.
Do you have one? How do you feel about these mirrors and what you see in them?
On the other hand, they do make some tasks remarkably easier, not to mention precise, and I'm weird enough to enjoy looking at mascara wands up close and see exactly what they do for my lashes.
My solution has always been trying to focus on the less scary areas of the face and ignore the rest. Or just skip that evil mirror altogether...
On my most recent trip I got brave and really looked. It was somewhat of an ego boost to realize that even up close I have a better skin than certain (younger than me) celebrities. I also found out that such a mirror is very helpful in assessing your success in makeup removal. I liked it so much that now I'm considering getting a magnifying mirror for my bathroom at home.
Do you have one? How do you feel about these mirrors and what you see in them?
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