Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the reason I never got to meet my maternal grandmother, a stylish non-blonde who loved accessories and perfume. I think of her every year when I make several "pink" purchases, from companies that participate and donate to research and/or support organizations.

There are many to choose from and chances are that several of your favorite products are coming out in a pink ribbon edition and there are always some special releases in pink packaging. If you have a charity you especially like to support, it's worth checking who are the companies that work with it.

Here are a couple of things worth checking:

Pink Is The Link set from Essie has a limited edition nail polish, a base coat and my favorite: a glass nail file. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to Living Beyond Breast Cancer whose mission is to empower all women affected by breast cancer to have the best quality of life. are supporting The Breast Cancer Foundation and offering many of their products like mats, yoga blocks and towels in pink. I have their thick mat and like it a lot (after I aired it and got rid of the rubber smell).

Non-product related, but worth checking, especially if you're high-risk for breast or ovarian cancer, or if you're looking for a vibrant advocacy community: Bright Pink is a support organization for young women. They work to enlighten and empower high risk individuals to take control of their breast and ovarian health by providing education, support and a sense of community for a better, brighter future. That's one worthy cause if there ever was one, and definitely close to my own heart.

For more information and Pink Product reviews, please check the posts from my fellow bloggers in the Beauty Blog Network (and if you're a blogger, please feel free to take the widget and join us):


top image: (they have black or white bandanas with the pink ribbon, but I'm not sure which organization they support).
product images: and

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