Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sephora Brand Professionnel Perfection Makeup Base

The last few months I've been mostly shying away from silicone-based primers. Mostly because of the humidity (if you were in NYC last weekend you know exactly what I mean). My lotion-like primer of choice is Shiseido Smoothing Veil, and I've already gone through two jars of it. But a while ago I picked a tube of Sephora brand primer, simply because the small, very travel-friendly packaging, and while it's not perfect, I can still declare it a well-spent $12.

There's something pearly pink in there which made me nervous, but it doesn't show unless there's incompatibility issues with your foundation. I discovered that my Chanel Vitalumier doesn't mix well with this primer and produces some weird debris on the sides of my face and patches in the nose area that let the pink show through. However, when used under my tinted moisturizer, Benefit You Rebel, the results were flawless.

The staying power is great: 8-10 hours even on a disgusting humid day. Makeup is kept fresh, my skin is happy, I can't ask for much more.

Sephora Brand makeup is available online and offline. I bought mine at the Union Square store.

Tomorrow: The Scent Twins take Manhattan

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