Monday, July 21, 2008

No Wire Hangers, Ever!

My dream closet is the one Nick Lachey had built for Jessica Simpson in an old Newlyweds episode from the good old days when both of them had careers. However, it's not happening any time soon, and I'm dealing with very little room to hang my dresses and shirts.

My nice wood hangers looked good about 30 dresses ago, but lately they've been bumping into each other, hanging to the side and pulling the garments in every direction. And the worst part is that they're quite thick, which translates into taking up the precious space.

A couple of months ago I discovered Joy Mangano Huggable Hangers. My local Target had a few six packs which I bought one desperate day. Ever since then I go back and take everything they have in stock, because they are just that fabulous. The concept is simple: thin hangers covered in a velvety material that keeps even my flimsiest silk chiffon tops from sliding off (and getting lost in the abyss known as the closet floor). For every two of my old hangers I can now fit three, so it's a serious space saver.

My store only carries the black and butter ones, but on the HSN website I see they also come in fun colors and different sizes. Now I just need someone to come over and get everything organized for me.

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