Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Days- Lush Silky Underwear Body Powder

The heatwave we had here in the Northeast the last few days was bordering on hellish. Between hot, hot and hazy and overdosing on the a/c, my skin was ready to rebel. the challenge to keep my legs and arms moisturized but not sticky has called for an old stand-by product, Lush Silky Underwear.

Lush products are a hit-or-miss for me. Some are great, others are disastrous (whoever invented their foot creams should be fired). Tom has written an amusing review of their messy bath bombs (though their plain ones are pretty nice), and my hair was unimpressed with their shampoos and conditioners (but that was years ago, before I started blogging, so maybe I should give them another chance). In any case, Silky Underwear is their one product I make sure never to be without.

The concept is clever: a cornstarch-based powder that keeps you fresh, but it also contains grains of cocoa butter that moisturize the skin and keep it soft under the powder's clean veil. Depending on your needs, you can use it alone, or do what a sales assistant has shown me once: use a good lotion and then lightly powder yourself all over it. This way even the driest skin remains happy, but your legs won't stick to each other when you cross them. Some days that's the greatest achievements.

When it comes to scent, it's supposed to be a mix of jasmine and vetiver, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. What I get is a light woody...something. Despite the name, the powder doesn't smell overly feminine and thankfully it lacks the hippie signature of many lush products. My skin, the scent-eater, devours the fragrance even before the powder has fully settled in. A good thing for someone who prefers real perfume.

Lush Silky Underwear is available ($11.25 for 3.5 oz) from the company's website and in Lush stores all over the world. I bought my first one in store, but prefer to shop online and avoid dealing with the overwhelming mix of scents in the boutique.

Image: Golden Summer Rays by JalinePol, from
Vinings Gallery.

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