Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm reading a book I was sent for review. It's a little too much on the chick list side and I'm not feeling it. I hope it improves.

The Mess We're In- PJ Harvey with Thom York. It's a perennial favorite of the shiver-down-your-spine variety.

frequently worn outfit or item
Black knee-high stiletto boots. I have several pairs of black boots, but this one has gotten so much action lately that I need to replace the heels.

You mean, other than Onda?

Pasta e fagioli soup. My own version with a lot of zucchini for a greener, springy feel.

Water. And a lot of it.

guilty pleasure
Pasta in every shape and form.

bane of my existence
Lack of sleep. And it's making me cranky.

For my sister to have her baby. I'm very excited about my niece.

Never to see, read or hear the name "Britney Spears".

Oh, and this Louboutin Clutch:

Please tell me about your current loves and wishes!

Art: Alexander Volkov Farewell to March. Vinings Gallery.
The other piece of art: Neiman Marcus.

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