Thursday, August 2, 2007

Someone else's bliss- Creative Scentualization Perfect Bliss

The opening notes of Perfect Bliss from Creative Scentualization sent warning signs through my nose to every part of me: Fruit Alert! A combination of very juicy blood orange, mango (!) and papaya (!!!) is usually enough to send me to the sink, scrubbing my skin off while muttering: "I do not do fruit. I do not do fruit" until I feel clean again. However, I didn't reach for my lavender soap any of the times I tested Perfect Bliss. Somehow, despite the obvious fruitiness, it was sparkly and surprisingly light. Moreover, the top notes were quickly gone, replaced with very pleasant flowers.

The floral phase began as a non-aggressive tuberose, probably mellowed by rose, followed closely with an extended period which was all about gardenia. I'm not a huge fan of white flowers, but I can appreciate them when done right, and in this case I have nothing bad to say, except of a general complaint about the gardenia's tenacity. It never went away, insisting on taking center stage even when it was clearly the base notes' turn to shine. It only allowed the patchouli and vanilla to emerge from time to time and wave to the expectant audience.

I tried to live with Perfect Bliss (EdP) for several days before even considering a review, trying to figure out why despite obviously liking this scent, I wasn't actually enjoying it, if this makes any sense. It smells good, has an amazing lasting power and blooms beautifully in the heat and humidity. Why, then, didn't I feel a need to add it to my "must buy" list?

Part of the answer can be found in my husband's remark: "It smells like something you already have". While I'm not sure he's right, Perfect Bliss doesn't feel very unique, and at times the gardenia is quite ubiquitous. And, speaking of gardenia, I already have a bottle of Monyette Paris (the husband might have referred to this one, though they're quite different. Monyette is sweeter and somehow edgier and sexier), which is all the gardenia I can take.

While Perfect Bliss is a very nice perfume, obviously made of high quality ingredients (no syrupy, artificial fruits), doesn't offend my nose nor my skin, and makes me smell "good" for many hours, it's just not me. Eventually I realized what bothered me: It was like wearing someone else's clothes, almost like a costume.

Sarah Horowitz-Thran, the talented perfumer behind this house is an expert in creating one-of-a-kind custom blends. One day I'd love to have one made for me. I wonder what notes she'd put in it. I have a feeling gardenia won't be in that mix. Once I had all the points for this review and understood what I was smelling and feeling, I headed to the bathroom and rinsed it off. Instead, I put on Orris (Tauer Perfumes). It smelled like coming home.

Gardenia print from

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