Sunday, April 15, 2007


You're at the right place. I promise.

It was time, after almost a year of blogging, to personalize this space. I couldn't have done it without the help of The Blond, who is quick with code and way more patient than I can ever be with things that refuse to look right. I'm happy with the result, but now I'm behind on emails and comments. I'll catch up by tomorrow.

Coming in the next few days: A few more spring-appropriate nail colors, a full review of laboratoire remède super c serum, another Lorac eye shadow, Smashbox Softlights, Sephora Brushes, Bliss Foot Patrol and (of course) several fragrance reviews, though the one I planned for tomorrow, the cheerful Quel Amour! from Annick Goutal is not right for the weather. I also have something to say about Prince William's split from his girlfriend.

I'm writing this in the middle of the storm. It's raining buckets and some of the streets here in town are already flooded. Building an ark seems like a reasonable thing to do. Mine would be filled with cats, perfume bottles and include wireless internet. A girl has got to survive.

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