Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just what the world needed

Another beauty blog. I don’t know about you, but I already read several. All are dedicated to the pursuit of creamy, shiny products, things that smell good, beautiful accessories (Dear Manolo, how I love thee) and the occasional comment about how crazy Tom Cruise has become.

The thing is, that as far as I can tell all the talented bloggers who write about cosmetics and makeup are blessed with peaches-and-cream complexion, Jennifer Aniston hair and a body chemistry that embraces Prada perfume. I’m none of the above.

I tan easily and nicely, my complexion is olivey enough that on a bad day I could audition for and get the lead in Wicked, because it’d save them money on green face paint. The plus side of this, is that I can actually sport a green eyeliner and look very nice in it. How many of you can say that?

On the other hand all the peachy, coraly and most pink stuff looks really bad on my face, and many other colors are not pigmented enough to make a difference on my face. I’m Caucasian, so I can only imagine how hard it is for women of different races to find colors that do what they’re supposed to.

As for things like hair care, I have a thick wavy hair down to my butt. Designer 8 oz shampoo and conditioner bottles make it laugh. But I need good products that can nourish and moisturize my locks. I’m always on a quest for the perfect leave-in conditioner. I don’t do much as far as styling it goes, you can’t really with this length. I wash it, cream it and let it be. It works very well.

This is what I look like, and this is where my documented journey begins.

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